Varieties including, but not limited to:
- Black
- Black-eyed peas
- Garbanzo (Chickpeas)
- Great Northern
- Kidney
- Lentils
- Lima
- Mixed
- Navy
- Pink
- Pinto
- Red

- Frozen beans, peas, or lentils
- Canned immature peas, such as green peas, green beans, or wax beans
- Canned lentils or beans with added sugars, fats, oils, vegetables, fruits, or meat
- Canned lentils or beans with artificial, reduced-calorie, or no-calorie sweeteners
- Canned baked or refried beans
- Flavored lentils or beans, such as Cajun, barbecue, or ranch style beans
- Canned organic lentils or beans